Day 15.16.17 & randomness

Oh I have slack a lacking on the blogging home front this week, seriously with work, it has just taken over my whole life. 11 more days!! But even so, I have still be able to do the run streak every single day, even when I really, really do not want to at all. It has been just 1 mile runs but hey if it wasn't for the accountability I wouldn't be doing anything.

Day 15

Day 16

And yesterday day 17

You can see my pace slower again. It's just because I'm tired. I'm heading out soon to another this morning for Day 18. Half way done with streak!! Woohoo!! I'm off on Wednesday so I'm really hoping to get a decent long run in for that day.

And some randomness of the last couple of days too

They finally came in and they are delicious!!!

Bath and Body works did a 1 day sale on their candles for 8.00 a piece and I had a 10.00 off coupon!!!

We were super festive at work yesterday and it totally helped because we had an awesome sales day too!!!

And I ended the night with a spiced apple margarita and it was amazing!!!

And the it knocked me out and I fell asleep haha!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!


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