Baby Your A Firework

Man oh Man, it is July 5th. Again, where has the year gone. But I do have to say I am so happy that it is July, I love JULY. For obvious reasons, its my Birthday month ;)

Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th. I had a pretty great one, which included my doing a massive grocery haul, hitting up Target, James surprising me with a new laptop (which I am using as we speak, well you read and I type), seeing Fireworks, happy hour at our pool before, front row seat to fireworks and dinner and I got a 4 mile run in, 3 miles of it was running and walking and the last mile was a walk.

I hit a ditch and it scared me and I almost rolled my ankle again. So I took the last mile, nice and slow. I ran around 4 in the afternoon, thinking the sun wouldn't be so hot, I was sadly mistaken. It was horrible. The run was tough, but I set out to get 4 miles done and I did.

Got this shirt on clearance at Target, the colors are amazing. I loved it the moment I saw it.

The start of our night, I am really trying to not pick apart my pictures lately, but I need my eyebrows done, hair dyed and it possibly cut again lol

We went to O'Maddys on the beach in Gulfport to see the fireworks, it was CRAZY busy, but we somehow got a great seat, it wasn't reserved for us at all, how we managed was great and Bubba was proud of his charming skills haha.

I Love this crazy, loving, hates taking pictures man!!!

My 4th was pretty great, probably one of the best I Have had in a long time, spent doing all those things I really love. 

Hope yours was the same!!!


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