
Good Friday Morning!!!!

So I haven't done one of these Currently posts in a long time... and these are one of my favorite posts.


Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee.  I was super excited to find this book at the Library finally. I haven't started it yet, I tried to the other day but I ended up falling asleep. I do plan on Sunday spending a good part of the morning doing just that.

Well I am still obsessed with the Sons of Anarchy soundtrack. But this song by the Zac Brown Band, is my new favorite running song. I love the beat and it really pumps me up.

Guilty Pleasure:
My new Erin Condren planner. I guess it is no a guilty pleasure per say, but I am obsessed with stickers and decorating it and making it look so visual. Every day  I am looking at my planner and how I am going to make it better.

Nothing special at all, just coffee and water.

I have been trying to get as much protein as I can lately. I have been eating yogurt and chicken, anything and everything that is. I always thought protein would be the hardest thing for me but I have found it to be a lot easier and I really love protein, it is in a lot of my favorite foods. I have been using My Fitness Pal for over 100 days now and I am still loving it. Synced with my FitBit and Running Apps and activity, it really has made a huge difference. While the scale is not moving much, I am seeing some good changes.

All my shows are coming back!! YAY!!!  We have even started some new shows to watch weekly, The Grinder, Grandfathered, Shades of Blue, all really different but good shows.

Probably my biggest Triumph is getting my new car. Gosh, I can not tell you how awesome it feels to drive around in that car. Also the fact that I am back to running longer miles again. I have truly missed the longest distance. I did 9 miles the other day and it felt wonderful. I missed getting lost out on runs and just going and going.

Honestly there is nothing I need. I have everything I need. But my NEED TO DO list could go on and on lol.

Mood & Excitement:
I will combine these two. Mood, happy and feeling like I don't want to go to work haha. Excitement, off on Sunday and James and I are having a date night tomorrow night to see a movie!!

So what are you Currently up to these days????


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