Catching Up and Lots and Lots of Rambles on 2017


Remember when I used to write and blog and post really fun and exciting things. I would talk about my life, my love of running, some new foods, etc....Yeah....

So LIFE got in the way. IN a BIG way and some things in my life had to take a back seat and unfortunately this was one of them.

Life is seriously messy sometimes and complicated and all over the place and mine just kept getting that way.

BUT I am making a GOAL going into 2018, to get back into my little piece of blog on the Internet and DIVE back in again. I seriously have missed sitting down, explaining the SPARKLE moments of my life, writing about the different eats and CHEW and gosh do I miss my RUNS.

Okay, so since the last time I have posted, let me see if I can catch up a little bit...

Lets start a little bit with running....or I shall say lack there of...

Running took a big hit for me this year. From late last year and into this year, I was struggling through a LOT of calf pain and knee pain. I mean it was seriously so bad, that even going for a walk at times, seemed to be unbearable. The half marathon I did in Nashville was TOUGH. SUPER TOUGH. I was in some pain and then I took it easy for most of the summer.

I would run a few miles here and there and then go to the gym. Oh yea back in July I joined a gym which was close to my job. And I really do love it. It is still a little different to me, but I am trying. That is a HUGE goal in 2018 to get back into that again. I joined Planet Fitness and the machines are so scary to me, I feel like I have no clue what I am doing. BUT I am not scared, they are just scary. I have Pinned a lot of different exercises to do and I am READY this year to kick butt.

Let me be honest, a lot of fitness took a back seat. I seriously let life and excuses take over me. I would go good for like 3 days and then work would throw me off, or plans came up, or I was tired, or I was in pain from a run, or I had a toothache or or or or, the list goes on.

It wasn't that I wasn't motivated, I wasn't DISCIPLINED!!!

And it crept up on me. I totally gained weight this year and then stayed the same. I haven't put on a TON of weight, but enough I can feel it and I DON'T like it. I have not been as active as I have been in the years past, which is my release and it has definitely taken hold over me. Its funny how the most MOTIVATED people, sometimes just go through a RUT.

Well not anymore in 2018. I am so pumped and ready to jump in, honestly it is like a breath of fresh air.

Okay back to running because working out fits that. IN November I had originally signed up for the half marathon in St. Pete. Well with some serious leg pain, I knew it was not smart for me to do it. So I took my ticket and signed up for the 5k instead. I was ready, I was excited. The race came and I was ready to go and .60 miles in, I had to stop and walk. I was in so much pain behind my right knee, I couldn't even put my leg down or full extend. I was truly hurting. I had tears in my eyes, but I didn't turn down a side street like I wanted to do and just leave, I finished the race, walking the whole time, got my medal and went home.

My pride and heart was hurt. I have never had to walk a whole race before. I follow Jeff Galloway and do run walk run, but this was a whole other level. I was in pain. So from that day forward, I knew I just had to sit out some races, which included my beloved Turkey Trot. I was tired of being in pain and going to races and being upset, so I had to sit it out. Sometimes you have to know when to just call it quits and know when enough is enough.

So for over a month now I have not ran and I have not really been in the gym. Because then work became super crazy. I was BUSY every day and last week alone, I worked 72 plus hours. So I was beat. BUT not anymore....

Goal for 2018 in the Run part of my life is simple, just get back to running. Get back to doing it weekly and LOVING it again and PAIN FREE. So I am going to take it slow and steady, like I did when I first started and enjoy the miles. I don't plan on doing any half marathons until LATER in the year and just do some fun 5ks here and there. No pressure, no expectations just running and the love and high and drug I get from it.

And with that said that means putting some love into the gym too. I need to tone up. I am flabby in all the parts and my body needs some toning. I need to get back to being nice and healthy and fit again. While I track my food everyday through My Fitness Pal, I snack and pick on things I shouldn't and I don't track those. Like last night after we went out for a few drinks with family I had two cookies when I got home, an oatmeal cookie and a sugar cookie and had a bite of some chips. BECAUSE of the drinks I was hungry and from not being in a routine earlier in the day.

And because I was home. That too had a lot to do with it. But I have done that a lot this year, not even realizing. Making bad choices here and there, that don't really seem like a lot, but they added up and made a difference. I am not mad or sad. The main thing is I know what to do to be better and do better.

So I guess that is the Chew portion of my life. More real foods and less picking is in the works for me!!

Okay now the Sparkle! Geez the Sparkle portion took over a lot. I did a lot of traveling this year, Nashville and Maryland and New York. Nashville TWICE. I was asked to be in a wedding in January for one of my few best friends. I have met two new girlfriends, Erica and Jen and with our friend Megan and Tara, we have started a monthly girls night, which I Never knew how much I needed in my life until then. It has truly changed my world.

James and I moved into a bigger place and while it has taken some to get used too. I truly Love it and making it more of our home. James and I are in such a good place right now in our lives, it is so good. We have finally gotten over that little rough patch we were experiencing and moving forward. I can not imagine my life without him. In the summer it was scary and I wasn't sure where we were headed but we talked and worked out some things and he is my best friend and the True love of my life and we have been better ever since.

And then there is this year was a weird point for me. I had lost a bit of my love for Things Remembered, mixed with a lot of other things and I knew it was time for me to move on and start looking for something new.

And I FOUND IT! This was my last Christmas with TR and I will be starting with another company come January 7. I am so excited to start the New Year off right and fresh and exciting. This is the first time I have been the new person in over 9 years!!! BUT I am ready, this is just the new path I need in my life. New job, new outlook, new me.

I know that whole new year, new me, stuff can get old, but DANG!!! I am ready and willing for it.

Okay so now that I have taken up well over 15 minutes of your life, here I am!!

This year was crappy for sure, it was different BUT it had some truly amazing moments, I mean it was really good BUT I am ready to tackle 2018 with some serious force!!! This will be my comeback, going forward year for sure AND you will see more and more posts from me!!

So cheers to the end of 2017 and HELLO to 2018!!

Happy NEW YEAR!!


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