Stay At Home Rambles

Well Hello There!!!

Over here still in Quarantine and living my best Social Distancing Life.

Lets be honest though, some days are better than others, some hours are even hard.

I have to admit though, I have been Thriving during this time and Surviving at the same time. Some days I don't think about what is happening and just treat it as days off and other days, I think about work, how work is going to happen and when we are opening.

That portion is really starting to get to me. I just need a date or a time Frame of when we are going back. I feel like I need time to think about it and process it before they give us the go ahead. I mean yes, I have had many days to process it, but gosh getting back into the swing of things is going to be different. But for my planning heart I have, attaching a date to it, makes my anxiousness a lot less than what it is now.

Yes, my positive self, does suffer a bit with being anxious. It is just sometimes all of this gets to become too much. On top of all the worry, there is the Unemployment aspect that has been so much fun. I say that in the most sarcastic way possible.

One, never in my life did I think I would be applying and worrying about unemployment. I sent in my papers on April 5 and have not heard a thing back about it. NOT A WORD. See this is where my anxiousness comes in, THE UNKNOWN. Again, all I want to know is if it was received.


I am in a comfortable spot though in my life. I am not struggling, every single one of my bills are being paid. I have not had to touch my savings and I was even able to treat myself to some new online purchases. I have a Beyond supportive partner in this in James. He is still working and being paid, and has been a huge help. It is even more supportive because we don't do anything, so I am not spending a dang dime anywhere, and even if I offer to buy groceries or a meal out, HE WILL not let me do it.

I am truly blessed. Even though I am an Independent women, it is amazing to have a partner who will do anything in his power to not see me fail.

Okay back to some thoughts about this whole process.

I have really been taping into who I am and how I have gotten by with all of this process and the one thing I have been doing is making sure all the things I have accomplished during this time, I have been writing down or journaling per say.

I want to be able to look back on this time, and see all the stuff I accomplished or did accomplish. There are things on my list like, I took afternoon baths, I used my bubble bath and lotions, I drank a lot of water, I worked out every day for 30 minutes a day. And there are moments, where I laid on the couch in the beginning for a few hours and cried. I took Stress Vitamins and I took a low dose Xanx a couple of times. I called people and vented. I took lots of naps and got up early.

I documented a lot of the little things because it has made me successful in this journey, to just see all the things I have done the last 40 days so far, and for me, that is a way of surviving and thriving.

I also have been taping into a lot of my personal development and my well being and growing my influence and leadership with my peers, like opening this blog back up.

I am not sure where I am going with this post today. The last two lessons with the Next 90 days have tied into this. Leadership and Organization. and Both tie into each other. I have been a Leader for myself these last 40 days. Leading myself into the next journey life is going to take me, because it will be a journey coming out of this. And I have been doing a lot of my organizing from my drawers and areas in my life to keep me calm and collected.

I highly recommend this practice. Choose one area, one little area and just organize it. It brings a sense of calm and purpose and accomplishment.

If you have kept reading my rambling, thank you haha.


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