Birthdays, Lucky Charms and Health Food Stores

It is a Friday night and I have spent it curled up in my "home" living room with some of my favorite people in the whole world, my Poppy, his girlfriend, and my Uncle Kevin. We spent the evening watching the movie, About Time. We were warm, munched on jellybeans and had a really, really nice evening.

We ate baked macaroni and cheese, not made how I would do it in the healthy aspect, but oh my goodness was it a treat. Considering the weather has been so stinking cold I didn't run today and probably ate my weight in carbs, I really do not care, I am enjoying my whole time here with my family.

This trip truly has been fantastic. I am not a huge fan of the cold at all, but not to sound too corny, the love I have this week, has truly kept me warm. As much as I hate taking a time from running, I mean it has only been 3 days, might do me some good, get me back and well rested. If it is too cold tomorrow morning, I am going to do some cardio from YouTube. There are some really great work outs online, no excuses on my behalf. I did a core work out yesterday and my abs are still hurting, kind of love that feeling.

So today was a pretty great day. I had no real plans today, I actually slept in until 9:15 and just hung out around my Poppy's house, which I of course still consider home. I got caught up on some stuff online, paid my bills, enjoyed a childhood favorite of Lucky Charms and just enjoyed the joy of not having anything really to do.

 My Poppy came home late in the morning and we ran some errands together this afternoon.

I absolutely love when I can get some one on one time with him. It's these little moments that I really treasure because in actuality you never know when those moments will end. My Poppy and I have quite a bond, its very special. See my Poppy saved me.

When I was younger, my parents gave me a run of a childhood. I did not have a white picket fence, even though it may had seen like it, it was far from it. My parents did drugs and alcohol for most of my life and my mother was sent to prison for quite sometime. So we lost everything as a family. We had to sell our house and everything inside of it and move in with my Poppy. If it wasn't for him and giving us a place to live, I am not sure where I would be.

From that day forward, my Poppy and I grew quite a relationship. He made sure I had 3 meals a day, he made my lunches, went to all my school functions, taught me how to drive, he made sure that I never went down the path my parents, sort of paved for me. He took me on vacations with him, we went to the movies, played Bingo and some nights just stayed up and played 500 rummy, listening to Deliah and drinking hot tea. I miss those nights.

My Poppy became my rock and gave me strength I believe I never had. He was there for everything for me, all my home volleyball games, my prom, my awards and graduations. My friends considered and called him Poppy also. I love this man with everything I am and everything I have. Without him, I really don't know what I would do. I have such respect and honor for him. And he is the best man I could ever know. And no man will ever live up to his potential and legacy.

Why am I saying all this, well, because today is his 80th Birthday. He is a man of very little excitement and didn't want much of anything and if he did, he would never tell you. So I just spent the day being around him, because I know that is what makes him really happy and god does it make me even happier.

After spending a great afternoon with him, I went back out to get him some scratch offs as a birthday gift, he loves those things and then swung by a Natural Food Store I had seen my whole life but never went in. It also happened to be right next to the best Dunkin Donuts, seriously no DD makes the coffee like the one from my hometown.

Here are the goodies I picked up from the Natural Food Store I went to...

I was very excited to find the Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Morsels. I couldn't find them around me and then the same with the Better Stevia. I had seen a great post about adding that to a thing of Diet coke and making it like a Coconut Diet Coke, which I am all about. The Sharkies I have had before from a RunnerBox I got, but wasn't sure where I could find them and I loved them. I was shocked to see them there. I was actually shocked to see everything I got there, I really wish I had taken advantage of a healthier lifestyle earlier because this place really had it all. Small store but packed with everything and anything and very reasonably priced for the items you were getting.

And then that was really the end of my day until our movie time. I did do some reminiscing in our attic for some stuff to find, such as old pictures, etc. I found a bunch of stuff but I can't take it all back on the plane with me. I figure all of it has been sitting up there for 10 years now, long forgotten, chapters have ended and everyone has moved on in those pictures and memories. That is exactly what they all are too, just memories. So my family can clean up the attic and do what they want with the stuff.

Not much of a post but I guess I just felt like writing. Here are some selfies I took well you know just because...

Common theme, I am bundled up like a tick lol!

Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!!


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