Weekly Weigh I

Okay so my weigh in this week was a gain.

I knew it was going to happen, I was on PMS overload last week. I mean seriously I don't know what was going on with me, I was craving anything and everything. I almost ate a box of reduced fat Cheez It's in one sitting. Every time I picked up something crunchy and salty, it was over!

Don't even mention the chocolate covered peanuts we had in the house.
They didn't stand a chance.

But despite the fact that I went a wee bit crazy on the salty and sweet, I did make some good decisions. I drank a ton more water than I normally do, which is a big deal for me. I took a vitamin every single day and I made sure I ate 2-3 servings of some sort of veggie every single day.

But the carbs won me over last week and despite the fact I got a 10 mile run in on Sunday, the damage was done.

I am okay with the slight gain this week, not happy but okay because I know it is not the end of the world. I am not giving up or backing done, I am owning the gain and moving on. Plus I am learning from this crazy week of PMS so I am better prepared next month.

Men, you read, you are so lucky to not have this craziness, once a month, it lasts a week and drives you over the edge.

So after my weigh in today, I went to the grocery store to pick up some staples in my house. For example, fat free cottage cheese, pickles, special K 70 and 90 calorie bars, almonds, spaghetti squash, pre cut up fruit, Chobani 100 calorie yogurt, fat free cool whip and some strawberries.

I will be out of town for the next two days for work and I am bringing along some Quest Bars, smoothie mixes and easy, quick snacks, but some of this stuff was too good to pass up.

Friday I am off so I plan to hit up some Aldi and then Trader Joe's on Sunday. We just got one in Tampa and I am so excited. I think I'll do a post on Sunday about my haul from there and what I got from there last week.

After my quick grocery shop I came home and indulged in a home made salad. I was a bit hungry and instead of grabbing some carb tastic items, I made a salad with fat free Italian dressing, cucumbers, carrots and cherry tomatoes and topped it with some rice crackers I had from a Graze box, which by the way you have to get. Graze box is awesome.

I am all over the place today, but I have tons of post ideas coming your way.

I decided to take a rest day from running but wanted to get some strength and core fitness in. So I YouTube some workouts and got a great 30 minute work out in with my light weights and 8lb toning ball.

I am feeling it already. I plan to make this a part of my routine. I have a good 15-20 pounds to lose to hit my goal weight and I am going for it. No more of this plateau. I hate the roller coaster and I am going for some loss, which means I need to increase my activity with different routines.

Even though a gain this week, I am on track to see result next week. But hey I did enjoy the week I had, even with the snack attacks lol.


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