Graze Box: First Box For Free!!!

So on Instagram someone I followed posted a picture of this subscription box with a free code to try it for free. I love anything free and I love subscription boxes so I figured I would give it a try.

I went to the website and looked around really liked what I was seeing. The box comes in four compartments. The items in the box are nuts, seeds, dried fruit and coated raisins. The flavors sound and look amazing..they have two types of boxes, their regular one and then the Calorie Counter box, which has lower calorie mixes. I of course went for the calorie counter box. Look what can be in it...

hot cross yum
sponge pieces, cinnamon and honey almonds and orange infused raisins

This is right up my alley!!! They send you a new box every two weeks and it is only 6.00 a box. I spend 6.00 alone on just almonds for myself, now I can have a true treat. My first and fifth box are free but now you can also try the box for free with this code:

Just follow this link and the code will take it off and you get your first box free. I think this might become a great staple in my life and you can cancel anytime, so why not try it for free first!!


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