Stay At Home Rambles

Well Hello There!!! Over here still in Quarantine and living my best Social Distancing Life. Lets be honest though, some days are better than others, some hours are even hard. I have to admit though, I have been Thriving during this time and Surviving at the same time. Some days I don't think about what is happening and just treat it as days off and other days, I think about work, how work is going to happen and when we are opening. That portion is really starting to get to me. I just need a date or a time Frame of when we are going back. I feel like I need time to think about it and process it before they give us the go ahead. I mean yes, I have had many days to process it, but gosh getting back into the swing of things is going to be different. But for my planning heart I have, attaching a date to it, makes my anxiousness a lot less than what it is now. Yes, my positive self, does suffer a bit with being anxious. It is just sometimes all of this gets to become to...