Day 2

It's kind of funny, I seem to wake up now with a purpose and a direction more than I did before. While, I know I wont be doing my training every morning, like today, I had to after work, I am still waking up with a pep in my step.

I worked today from 815-520, a pretty long and busy day. And most days I would just want to come home, grab a snack and watch my DVR for a couple of hours before James got home. BUT, I came home and KNEW I had to keep going.

Per training, today I had to walk or XT for 40 minutes. It was a beautiful night so I grabbed my music and went for a 40 minute walk which equaled 2.22 miles. I walked through some neighborhoods I have not traveled yet. These walks are really branching me out and keeping me journeying to new roads in my area. I LOVE IT.

Its funny too, I wasn't going to post this because well as you can see, nothing exciting going on kept for a walk, but knowing I had to write this post for everyone or no one or just for me, held me accountable.

It is all about accountability. Because if I don't do it, I feel like I cant earn it.


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