Day 3: I Got Sprinkled?!!

I realized that I didn't put a title to Day 2 yesterday and I mean sometimes the titles are the best part of the whole post, plus who just wants to see a countdown.

I am realizing also that while I am out running and training, I really will find some things to blog about. I feel that now I am looking for things, keeping my mind clear and free. Most of the day I have a 1,000 things running through my mind, like work, sales goals, laundry, grocery shopping, how am I going to fit this in, vacuuming. And when can I get a nap in. But in the morning or night, when I am exercising and running, seriously it really is my me time and I find myself thinking much clearer.

I come up with the best results and thoughts when I am running.

I am off of work today, woohoo! While I am not a huge fan of having Tuesday's off because it is weigh in day and I have conference calls on Tuesdays, I am okay with it this week. James was going golfing this morning so we were both up at 7. I enjoy having us getting up the same time, its nice to kick off your morning with a little kiss before heading out the door.

As per training today, I was to run for 30-45 minutes. I usually can get 4 miles in for 45 minutes so that is what I was shooting for. I ran around my normal area here and noticed a lot of people out walking and starting their morning right. I LOVE THAT. I love when I can see other people because it really motivates me. I even saw another runner girl, she had on a 26.2 running shirt. I hope I bump into her again because I would love to find out she is training too and maybe find a running buddy.

As I am running this morning down our streets, I see ahead a sprinkler going. I figured I could out run it and try to not get sprayed as I am going by. Well those suckers are quick.

And they had 4 of them.


The lawn was the size of sand box, I really don't think that 4 sprinklers were needed.

While I was very hot and sweaty, you would think being sprayed would be nice.

Not when it is reclaimed water.

Excuse we sir, your water smells like poo-poo.

Nothing wakes you up quicker than being hit with that. Let me say it put a little extra pep in my step to get home. After being sprayed with poo water, I made it through the 4 miles.

I didn't take my beeper with me and kind of just ran when needed. The funny thing is I felt I needed to after every 6-9 minutes, my body is trained. I also did my magic mile run this morning too.

The "magic mile" is running a little faster than you normally would to adjust your pace to see what your performance predictor will be.

According to the Galloway Marathon book, I was suppose to warm up a bit before doing so. I, of course, just went out and ran my mile a little faster and pushed myself this time. But I do have some schedule MM to do in the future, but this was a nice start. I felt really good with the mile. While on my short runs I am going to try to run the first mile without walk breaks, when I do my long runs I will not. I need to start from the beginning with walk breaks and stay from the beginning.

According to my MM this morning my Prediction Pace and Performance will be 13.59 minutes per mile. Then I add 2 minutes per mile to marathon pace regardless of goal distance.

I take what my mile was, 10:45 and multiply by 1.3 then add 2 minutes.

Listen I do not care how long it takes me or the pace, I am all about finishing this race. I just want to get through the 26.2 miles. But this is interesting to see where I start and where I end up.

Well now that I had a nice sprinkle this morning, I am off to enjoy the rest of my day off. Some laundry, groceries and a much needed hair cut and Weight Watchers weigh in!


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