Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!

Hope you are having a nice, relaxing day with friends, family or whomever.

I am taking advantage of this day by just being kind of lazy. The mall is closed which is wonderful, I don't have to worry about phone calls, or how our sales our doing or what I will walk into tomorrow, it is a free day.

I slept in late today. I made sure of this considering I haven't had a sleeping in Sunday in FOREVER. Usually Sunday's are my Rundays, so to sleep in on one is really nice. I made a nice egg white sandwich on a flat bread then went for a 3 mile walk. My legs are getting stronger and its nice to just take it all in. Because I feel good, I think I am going to go for another walk in a couple of hours or get on the bike. My life will be dedicated to running very soon, so its a nice break.

James and I had lunch with his family and now we are home just being cozy. It is an overcast kind of day, not our typical beach day. I really wanted the beach but this is just as nice also. I might even get in a quick nap, I mean why the heck not.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Indulge in a piece of candy. I know I will be.

I have already calculated my points and added to my day for one of these...

My favorite Easter Candy of all time!!

Its my one bad thing I will allow for myself today. I am trying to be really, really great this week. I have been on a good path, with just one bad day here and there. Remember it is just one day, not a whole lifestyle, start fresh again tomorrow.

Oh and the Easter Bunny didn't come this year here, we decided to skip some things but in case he is reading...


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