Day 4: Biked

Ever have one of those days when you know when things are just going to go down hill??!!

I swear I felt this way this morning. I set my alarm to get up at 7, so as per my schedule I could get either a walk or XT in. I thought since I was opening for work, this would be the best way, well my head said something else, and like an outer body experience happening, I reset my alarm and went back to sleep and overslept.

Ughh. I should have just got up and go it over with. I really have a hard time with that on work days, days off no problem, go figure!

So I showered super quick, grabbed my lunch and goodies and got to work, thinking the whole time, I have to work out after work.

Work went by smoothly, until the end when I found out one of my staff members would be leaving. Which means my schedule for tomorrow is now an open to close, rather than just a close. Fantastic! Now when I was going to maybe sleep in a little bit, I have to get up and then run and then work all day.

Oh well!  I am in this training for the long run.

No pun intended.

After work, I raced to get my work out clothes on and went to the gym for some XT. We have a super tiny gym in our apartment complex, but it does have a bike, so I choose that because I can read my Nook while working out, plus the dreadmill was taken. I hope I never have to do running mileage on that, I HATE IT!

I really kicked up the biking tonight. I used heavy watts and a longer work out and rode about 11 miles and burned over 300 calories. I can feel it in my butt and leg. It felt great and I was dripping in sweat when I got up.

Satisfied with my work out, I started dinner. I was thinking about dinner all day. Crazy I know. I roasted some spaghetti squash, heated some turkey meatballs, roasted broccoli, which was to die for tonight. I took one slice of Arnold Italian bread and sprinkled some garlic powder and Italian seasoning and made a very low calorie and point garlic bread. Paired it with a salad with fat free ranch and it was heavenly. I made some for my bf but he decided to eat out tonight.

I made this beautiful dinner I was really proud about and he could care less.

Guys really suck sometime. I can tell my training might put a strain on US. But well we will see.

Now I am just catching up on some shows and hopefully a solid night of sleep, considering tomorrow will be a long day!


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