Currently Wining Down...

Good Sunday Evening Everyone!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is set up for success with a good week ahead. I am hoping to have a better one than last week.

It was a long week and a crazy one. Each time I felt like I was taking two steps forward, I was taking two steps wayyyy back. So I am going to hit the ground running tomorrow bright and early with work, in the hopes I can get a lot accomplished in some piece and quite.

But as we are winding down this evening, I am sipping on some wine and wanted to do a Currently post, because 1 I love those post, to let you know where I am at and they are so much fun to begin with. And because I am enjoying a glass or two of wine, it is like I am on a wine date also with you.

So lets wine down a bit....

While on our wine chat I would let you know some current things I have going on...

Current book: I am currently reading a BUNCH of books... I have this obsession with requesting books from the library haha. Seriously and then when I go to pick them up, I end up taking out more. Keeps me occupied for sure. I am reading a positive change book right now that I will have up soon for a blog post.

Current music I am loving is my country. I mean all the puffy heart emjoiis with country music. I am obsessed with the song May We All from Florida Georgia Line and Tim McGraw. But as I am writing and sipping now with you, I am listening to John Mayer Radio on Pandora and it is the jam right now. It is funny the music you used to  not like, always comes back around in your life. I am loving this station.

Current guilty pleasure right now is online shopping again lol. I had stopped for awhile but I am back and I found this awesome awesome app called WISH and you get things for super, super cheap and I LOVE IT. I have gotten colored Yetis for so cheap and shirts, home decor, etc. I am obsessed.

I am currently loving on some wine right so my current drink of choice is some  Rebel Red wine from Middle Sister, BUT everything and anything Pumpkin drink is for me and I have an order for everywhere. My favorite pumpkin drink is Dunkin Donuts iced pumpkin with skim milk and 3 splenda. And then Starbucks is the PSL. I love anything and everything pumpkin!

Current food love is acai bowls. Oh My Gosh they are refreshing and delicious. I got one from two different places here in St. Pete both made them different but they are soo good. Blended acai with some fruit, granola, agave, etc, yup healthy and so good. My new favorite treat to get on my day off. I had one this morning after my run and it was perfect.

Current show, oh my gosh everything and anything is back in my life. AHS, Greys, How to get away with murder, Big Bang, etc. BUT my new favorite is This Is Us on NBC. Last week was the first show and it is amazing and I have a feeling it is going to be around for a long time and I am really hoping so.

Current wish, is that everything in my store settles down and I can get everything in order and set up for success. I have a new assistant and it has been so hard to get her in the groove of everything and taking a longer than normal time. I know I am going to have a tough Christmas, but I am trying to take it one step at a time.

Current triumph is running with minimal to no pain in my hips. I went for a run on Wednesday and felt really good, today I was okay. I had some pain and made it through but I am moving so much slower than normal. I know this doesn't seem much like a triumph but here it is, I am not giving up and saying I cant!!

Current need to go grocery shopping. I am trying to eat some stuff we have had in our freezer, but I am missing out on some staples and it is a new, which I will get to on my next day off on Thursday.

Current indulgence was so shopping from Michaels for some fall decorations and planner stickers. I also bought my self a new Betsey Johnson purse, which is perfect. Trying to budget a bit more and dang is it hard, I just love to shop lol

Current outfit is my sweat pants and tee shirt. Seriously you can find me in that combo anytime on my day off. I start off in my running clothes, shower and then back into my sweats I go.

Current excitement is so many things...I am going to a blogging event tomorrow night for a new health food store, so awesome, and I am going home to New York in two weeks for a wedding and James is coming with me! And he finally gets to see where I came from. I have plans to go apple picking too, and do some real fall stuff since we cant do that here in Florida haha.

Current mood is content. I am glad I sat down tonight and got a blog post out there, feeling relaxed from the wine and ready to take on the week. I am happy even though I am stressed and content with everything right now.

Alright our wine glasses are empty, so lets refill and catch up again real soon!!


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