Sunday Morning Catch Up

Good Sunday Morning!!!

Lots of exciting things going on at my household today. First off lets talk about the amazing sleep I have been getting lately. On the nights before my days off, I have been turning off my alarm so I can just let my body sleep and it has been wonderful. Typical on my days off, I have a million and one things going on, so an alarm is always set, from running, errands or conference calls. But I have been really trying that on one of those days off, I just let myself sleep until whenever, so I can rest up. And man it has been working and wonderful. Like this morning, I slept until 9:00 am! What!!! I do feel like I missed a big part of the morning, but I woke up feeling great and get this my HIPS and body weren't aching for once.

Okay, other big thing going on this morning....FOOTBALL is back. Which means my house on Sunday, Monday and Thursdays are crazy town. Especially, ESPECIALLY when the Redskins play. Which thankfully is tomorrow, but today the Jets play, which means our friend is coming over, because James bought the NFL ticket. See, that was a mouthful, now imagine this all day long. Two maybe three guys, watching their favorite team and alcohol is involved haha. It is madness! And it is almost all day long. I tend to stay away as much as I can, or do some reading, go to the pool, which I plan on doing for sure. And getting my work out in much later, burn off some steam.

And the big thing is 9/11. Cant believe it has been 15 years. I was 16 years old when it happened and I was in my High School Social Studies class and we watched the second tower fall. I remember, my teacher, Mr. Powell, standing in the doorway crying, and running down the hall way to get us the T.V. before hand so we can witness it. He said you will remember this day for the rest of your life, what you were doing, what you were wearing and where you were. And he was right. I remember not understanding what was going on and  how my life was going to change. I remember just sitting and watching T.V. and seeing the news on replay non stop.

And watching the strength of those Americans and the heart break they overcame and were going to overcome years to follow.

So while it is a fun day, it is a day to take a moment and remember the fallen and those you fought back.

Okay, also I promised I would update my progress with my running and working out.

I have to say I had a pretty good week.

Sunday I started the Exercise Plan week 1 and completed. I ended up being at work until 2:00 in the morning that time, but it was okay. My hip was a bit sore. The next morning on Monday, I tried to sleep in as much as I could, I was so tired all day long. I did get my work out in and took a nice long nap.

Tuesday, I used as a rest day. As work was a bit crazy and long and I just wanted to come home after work and chill out. Wednesday I picked up where I left off and attempted a run. I decided to sleep in for that morning, the days prior caught up with me and I went downtown and it was a gorgeous day, so I did around a mile walk all over. My hip was feeling good. I came  home and worked out and got a 2 mile run in. It was a bit tough for sure, I ached a bit more but I powered through. But the next morning, holy heck was I sore. I mean it hurt.

Thursday and Friday, I took as rest days, just working. And when I say working, I was Working my butt off at work. It was steady cleaning and organizing, meaning I was up and down the ladder at work and pulling myself all over. Saturday I was off of work, yesterday, which I had a fun and great day. I am doing a seperate post on that tomorrow.

But yesterday morning, I got up early and went for a run, just to try it out and see how I was feeling. I have decided to go back to basics with my running. As you know, when I first started running, I started using the Jeff Galloway method. Meaning the run/ walk intervals. It was the only way I ran, for short distances and long. I ran all my half marathons doing that and of course, my Full marathon doing the same thing.

I never had an injury, I was building endurance and had a great pace. It worked for me. So you go back to what works and what is good for you. Yesterday morning, I went back to 4:1's and I felt great. Sure I was slow, I am working through some kinks, but I did not have pain and if I did, it was so tiny. I felt really, really good, which in turn got my confidence back up with running and who I am.

Okay, now a new week and I am planned for success again. Will do a recap too.

How was your week? What was a small victory you had?


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