Top Ten Tuesday: Concerts
Good Tuesday Morning Friends!!!
Today's Top Ten Tuesday is all about music. Okay I LOVE MUSIC. I work out to music, I read to music, I cook to music. I am huge fan. Music has a way of transforming you into a good mood, or making you feel better when your sad, or finding the perfect lyrics to help you get through a tough time.
But there is nothing like watching LIVE music. Seeing your favorite artist perform your favorite songs, right in front of you. LIVE music always sounds so much better, well we hope most of the time. LIVE music takes one night and transforms it into an EVEN better night. Your dancing and singing RIGHT along with your favorite artist and praying the next song is your favorite song.
In college, James and I were HUGE fans of LIVE music and concerts, we even loved just going and seeing cover bands perform our favorite songs, which if you lived in Scranton, PA during 2003-2008, you know what I am talking about.
So Today's Top Ten is Top Ten Concerts.
Now while I haven't maybe seen 10 concerts or that I can remember, I am going to throw in some I would LOVE to see. And make sure to check out Nanci's at This Crazy Life of Mine.
10. Dierks Bentley.

This was a concert I went to this year for my birthday and it was AMAZING. I mean he rocked my socks off. He played amazing live and so much high energy. It was a fantastic time.
9. Dixie Chicks.

I saw the Chicks in 2003, with my best friends from High School. This was right when the Dixie Chicks were involved with all that drama and the show was amazing. They played all their number 1's and ones from the new record and Michelle Branch opened for them at the time. The Dixie Chicks were touring again this year and I wasn't able to go, but I don't think anything would top the first one.
8. Alan Jackson.

Yes, I saw Alan Jackson in concert when I was like 14. Hear me out, it was an excellent concert, but sometimes the concerts we see, aren't always about the artist playing but the atmosphere that went along with it. It was my first ever concert I was seeing, my Poppy took me because he loved Alan Jackson and knew I did too. So it was a perfect night. One I will never forget, I have no clue who opened up for him, but I just remember it was a special night I got to witness with my Poppy.
7. Kanye.

Yes, Kanye, but good Kanye, before he became all crazy egotistical Kanye. But lets me real, besides his crazy antics and running of his mouth, he is a great musician. And he puts on an amazing concert. James and I saw him in 2008, it was right around the time Kanye lost his mom and he put all his sadness into his concerts. He played on stop for 90 minutes, no changes, just him singing hit after hit after hit. I have seen on Snapchats now how more in depth his concerts are and they don't look the same at all, so it is nice to say, we saw Kanye when. I had a new respect for him after that concert.
6. A7X or more commonly knows as Avenged Sevenfold.

This is James's favorite rock band. I surprised him years ago and we went to Boston and saw them live. We had amazing seats and he was so thrilled and happy because he was seeing his most favorite band perform and it was everything he hoped it to be and then some. I wasn't a huge fan of them, heck I really didn't even know them all that much at the time but they can play some instruments for sure. The drummer was amazing, whom I think has passed on. We had such a great time at the concert, years later we saw them again here in Florida and they still put on an amazing concert.
5. Adele.

Okay, so now the next half are concerts I want to see. I mean it is Adele. I just want to witness her singing live. After her last cd 25, she not only has meaningful lyrics and songs, but Dang can she sing and that is something I want to say I saw live.
4. Zac Brown Band.

Okay, this one is kind of both. I DID see the ZBB at RibFest here in St. Pete the first year I moved down here in 2009. They were playing a fair and just had came out on the radio really. They were still so new and no one really knew who they were. I remember listening to Chicken Fried and thinking this is an awesome song, who would have thought they would be as BIG as they are now. They were just here in Tampa and I was so close to going but we had Inventory at work and I wouldn't have gotten out in time. This is also a concert Bobby Bones, highly recommends seeing.
3. Beyonce and Taylor Swift.

I combined these two ladies together because each are huge in different areas of music, but Two I would LOVE To see, just because I mean it is Beyonce and Taylor Swift, no real reason haha.
2. Carrie Underwood

falls under that category too for fierceness. Plus I know she is touring now and I can see in pictures and Snaps and Videos, she puts on one hell of a concert and she has like a million #1 hits and I know it would be amazing.
and Lastly
1. I want to see Journey!!!

I could care less it isn't the original Journey but I mean my favorite song of all time is Don't Stop Believing and I just need to hear it live. James of course loves to rub it in my face he has seen them live, ughh. But this is my ultimate goal!!
What was your favorite concert?
Who are you dying to see live??
Today's Top Ten Tuesday is all about music. Okay I LOVE MUSIC. I work out to music, I read to music, I cook to music. I am huge fan. Music has a way of transforming you into a good mood, or making you feel better when your sad, or finding the perfect lyrics to help you get through a tough time.
But there is nothing like watching LIVE music. Seeing your favorite artist perform your favorite songs, right in front of you. LIVE music always sounds so much better, well we hope most of the time. LIVE music takes one night and transforms it into an EVEN better night. Your dancing and singing RIGHT along with your favorite artist and praying the next song is your favorite song.
In college, James and I were HUGE fans of LIVE music and concerts, we even loved just going and seeing cover bands perform our favorite songs, which if you lived in Scranton, PA during 2003-2008, you know what I am talking about.
So Today's Top Ten is Top Ten Concerts.
Now while I haven't maybe seen 10 concerts or that I can remember, I am going to throw in some I would LOVE to see. And make sure to check out Nanci's at This Crazy Life of Mine.
10. Dierks Bentley.

This was a concert I went to this year for my birthday and it was AMAZING. I mean he rocked my socks off. He played amazing live and so much high energy. It was a fantastic time.
9. Dixie Chicks.
I saw the Chicks in 2003, with my best friends from High School. This was right when the Dixie Chicks were involved with all that drama and the show was amazing. They played all their number 1's and ones from the new record and Michelle Branch opened for them at the time. The Dixie Chicks were touring again this year and I wasn't able to go, but I don't think anything would top the first one.
8. Alan Jackson.
Yes, I saw Alan Jackson in concert when I was like 14. Hear me out, it was an excellent concert, but sometimes the concerts we see, aren't always about the artist playing but the atmosphere that went along with it. It was my first ever concert I was seeing, my Poppy took me because he loved Alan Jackson and knew I did too. So it was a perfect night. One I will never forget, I have no clue who opened up for him, but I just remember it was a special night I got to witness with my Poppy.
7. Kanye.
Yes, Kanye, but good Kanye, before he became all crazy egotistical Kanye. But lets me real, besides his crazy antics and running of his mouth, he is a great musician. And he puts on an amazing concert. James and I saw him in 2008, it was right around the time Kanye lost his mom and he put all his sadness into his concerts. He played on stop for 90 minutes, no changes, just him singing hit after hit after hit. I have seen on Snapchats now how more in depth his concerts are and they don't look the same at all, so it is nice to say, we saw Kanye when. I had a new respect for him after that concert.
6. A7X or more commonly knows as Avenged Sevenfold.
This is James's favorite rock band. I surprised him years ago and we went to Boston and saw them live. We had amazing seats and he was so thrilled and happy because he was seeing his most favorite band perform and it was everything he hoped it to be and then some. I wasn't a huge fan of them, heck I really didn't even know them all that much at the time but they can play some instruments for sure. The drummer was amazing, whom I think has passed on. We had such a great time at the concert, years later we saw them again here in Florida and they still put on an amazing concert.
5. Adele.
Okay, so now the next half are concerts I want to see. I mean it is Adele. I just want to witness her singing live. After her last cd 25, she not only has meaningful lyrics and songs, but Dang can she sing and that is something I want to say I saw live.
4. Zac Brown Band.

Okay, this one is kind of both. I DID see the ZBB at RibFest here in St. Pete the first year I moved down here in 2009. They were playing a fair and just had came out on the radio really. They were still so new and no one really knew who they were. I remember listening to Chicken Fried and thinking this is an awesome song, who would have thought they would be as BIG as they are now. They were just here in Tampa and I was so close to going but we had Inventory at work and I wouldn't have gotten out in time. This is also a concert Bobby Bones, highly recommends seeing.
3. Beyonce and Taylor Swift.

I combined these two ladies together because each are huge in different areas of music, but Two I would LOVE To see, just because I mean it is Beyonce and Taylor Swift, no real reason haha.
2. Carrie Underwood
falls under that category too for fierceness. Plus I know she is touring now and I can see in pictures and Snaps and Videos, she puts on one hell of a concert and she has like a million #1 hits and I know it would be amazing.
and Lastly
1. I want to see Journey!!!

I could care less it isn't the original Journey but I mean my favorite song of all time is Don't Stop Believing and I just need to hear it live. James of course loves to rub it in my face he has seen them live, ughh. But this is my ultimate goal!!
What was your favorite concert?
Who are you dying to see live??
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