A New Year, A New Start, A New Me...

Well, its my birthday!!!! I turn 28 today. I have to say, I love Birthdays. I am not sure why or when it all started but growing up I remember birthday's just being a really big deal. It was a day to celebrate, reflect, have fun, enjoy, etc. Parties were had, cake, balloons, presents, the whole nine yards. Then as the years pass, birthday's become much different, parties not so much, maybe meeting up for dinner, phone calls rather than seeing someone in person, cards in your mailbox and trying to forget your birthday and how old you are getting is the true reflection. I am not one to reflect on how old I am getting, I am lucky to make each birthday. Its a blessing and a chance to start new. I understand that New Year's is usually the time to reflect on the year, etc, but your birthday, well for me, half the year is over by this time, its a time to reflect on how you want to spend the rest of the year and your birthday year. I know I am not making much sense, but bare with me!
I think I make a big deal out of birthday's because it was the one day that everything in my life seemed to come together for 24 hours. Growing up I had a pretty hard childhood and teenage years. And of course as I got older, life did not get any easier, and last year I lost my father. He died unexpectedly to an alcohol induced heart attack and cirrhosis of the liver, so birthday's are good and they also suck for me. My father would call me every year, or visit me wherever I was living and wish me a Happy Birthday at 1:13pm, the time I was born. No matter what was going on in his life, where he may have been or whatever job he was at, he made my birthday the very best. So birthday's are special to me because they were taught to me by my father to be special and I miss that. So to fill the whole and gap of where his light used to be, I enjoy taking the time and celebrating each year. But I sure do miss that phone call.
This morning to celebrate my birthday in my own way, I went for a nice 4 mile run. The minute I put my Pandora station on, which so happened to be Glee Cast radio, yes I am a total Gleek, the Glee version of Don't Stop Believing was the first song, coincidence, I think NOT! My run was set for success. I ran at a nice easy pace, clocking a 10:45min per mile, which I am happy about. My left leg gave me a little bit of trouble, the thigh muscle and behind my knee felt very tight, icing that bad boy as we speak. I made it through my 4 miles, sweaty, satisfied and fulfilled. Ready to take on the day, and this year! Hoping this year is my very best year yet, filled with lots of memories and big milestones along the way.
Here's to 28!!!!


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