March Madness: Running & Working Balance
Good Last Day of March Morning To Everyone!!!! Just like this year thus far, March has flown right on by. March was a bit of a busy month for me. It started off pretty rough with a really bad sickness and sinus infection which just seemed to rock my world. The pollen content in Florida has just been off the chain lately and the worse year I have ever encountered with this. I used to say I never had any sinus or allergies or anything to that nature, but getting older and dang I have been hit every year. I mean I turned 30 and it has been non stop. Still today, I am suffering with a sinus headache and pressure, but really trying to just push it on by. It is the headache portion that is really getting me bad. March also brought a whole lot of happiness for me as I got to spend a great week home in New York. I miss my family terribly and wish I was with them so much, but my life down here in Florida is way better than anything it could be back home in New York, plus it just makes my ...