April Goals and Recap
Good Saturday Morning!!! Okay so it is the last day of the month, holy crap, where did it go. Seriously it was just April Fools Day a bit ago, just insane. Let's recap a bit of April, shall we. Running & Working Out April I have to say was a bit of a fun month for me. I did a lot of different things this month and was really committed to working out and eating right and making a better effort than maybe I have before. Really tracking my work outs and getting right back on track. And I do have to say it worked wonders. I was getting up early before work to run. I was running after work when I didn't do it in the morning. I was making my way to the gym to do some weights and cardio. My laundry pile, defintely grew this month. I ran the Iron Girl Half Marathon this month and while it wasn't a PR race and I was no expecting it to be at all, I had a really great time running that race. It was fun and I had a runner's high through out the whole thing. I ran wi...