Sleepy Sunday

Today was just one of those dragging kind of days. I had a wonderful two days off from work, I got a good work out each day, and including the one I put in on Thursday, so I thought for sure I could get a run in before work today. I set my alarm for 7 and planned on a short quick run, maybe 2-3 miles. But when that alarm went off my body shut down. I just had no energy and motivation. I had a slight pain in my thigh and my body felt like bricks, just heavy muscles. I took that as a sign that today would be a rest day. I had to work at 10:00, which in my position we never sit down, so I knew I would be running around most of the day anyway. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and read the signs it is craving a little relaxation. I know I should push it and fight through fatigue, but it gives me the strength to just fight a little bit harder the next day. Also after work, I picked up some more of B12 sub lingual vitamins, to help give me a little pep in my step. They have worked great in the past, but I ran out. Well the alarm is set and lets see how this week will pan out.


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