A couple of things I thought about while running this morning..

Today I am off from work and considering it is a day off and I work the rest of the week, I needed to get a long run in. Last Friday I did 8 miles, so I pushed it up to 9 miles today, I'll stay at this 9 mile long run training for about 3 weeks. It was sort of a tough one today. I haven't ran that long since April, and I know I only just did 8 four days ago, that extra mile sure does make a huge difference. I set my alarm for 5 am, but I ended up hitting snooze for a 1/2 hour more, I could barely see my phone at 5:00. Started the run at at 6:48 and took me 1:41:51 to complete the 9 miles.  Back in January, when I started to train hard for my first Half Marathon, I did 8.17 miles in 1:37, so what an improvement.

I am extremely happy to see how far I have come with my running, and I say this time and time again, it is not about the pace for me, I do have a pace I would like to be in mind, but it is about getting out there and putting miles on my shoes which is more important. My pace was 11:18 today. I started off slow, my head was taking over, rather than my heart. I think I was a bit sleepy, but waiting to run later is not an option. It is too darn hot!!!

While I was running, my mind is all over the place and I think of tons of things, so this is a couple of the things I thought about today:

1. I have lived in St. Pete for 4 years now and didn't realize I have so much more areas to explore and run.
2. Downtown is my favorite place to run!!!! So many different streets, things to look at and the view is spectacular.
3. I absolutely love where I live. Running by the bay, while the sun is coming up, is probably the most religious and spiritual experiences I will ever encounter.
4. I think a lot about my dad and how I wish I could just pick up the phone and call him.
5. I think A LOT about work and how I can coach, learn and train better. Plus what I have to accomplish on my to-do list.
6. I learn while running, I think a lot about food. I think about what I will have to eat after my run when I get home and how many points I will use.
7. While running through the USFSP campus today, I thought how much I loved going to College and how if I was younger again, the different things I would do over again.
8. I thought about when I lived downtown, how crazy I was to not take advantage of all the awesomeness it had and sad I was so lazy and unhealthy then.
9. I thought about my fuel belt and how it was driving my CRAZY lately. It actually broke today, well not the belt, the water bottle fell out and broke right at the cap, so I had to dump the water and run with just one. I took really small sips.
10. How much I love Lemon Lime NUUN mixed with salt!! Crazy I know but it tasted so much like Gatorade and it really, really helped today!!

See my mind is constantly going when I am running. The music drowns a lot of it but running really helps me have a clear understanding and it gives me a release.


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