I love Saturday's off....

I love Saturday's off! There is something about having a Saturday off, I mean I do the same thing on this day off that I do with any other one during the week, but saying I have Saturday off is so different. I think it is a retail thing. I get one Saturday off a month and really try hard to make it the very best and this Saturday off definitely lived up to that. Here's a bit of a recap:

Got up at 5:00 am, I know crazy, the one day I can possibly sleep in, I'm getting up even before the sun. Prepared myself for my 10 mile run. Made myself a multi grain waffle with 1 tsp of Planter's NutEnergy Mix PB, a banana and a Powerbar Blend Energy Pouch. Took a water with me and then headed downtown. Had to stop at Walgreen's to grab my Zico water for post run. They sell them in single bottles, cold, and this makes me extremely happy! The Dark Chocolate one of course is my go to flavor. Made it downtown around 6:10 and started my run at 6:16.

The first 4 miles were really tough. My fuel belt, the new one was having some issues. The water bottle was squirting out water as I ran. I had to dump two of them because it was driving me CRAZY. I think I can't fill them to the top or this will happen, so glad I'm testing this now and not day of race. After the 4th mile, my mind and body got into the pattern, I had a huge blister on the back of my right foot and really tried to push out the pain, it worked. Mind over Matter baby! My pace for each mile was sitting around 11:24, which is good, but I want to always be better.

Mile 7 I seemed to hit another road block, my legs were getting sore and thoughts and aggravation were flooding my mind. I pushed the thoughts away and focused on the music and my surroundings. I also thought of different things, people I haven't seen in years, the next time I will go home and see my Poppy, what I wanted to do that day and I thought of my dad. I thought about the day he died and how I felt, and with those thoughts and emotions I pushed through mile 7. My shuffle kicked into the perfect songs and I felt my legs loosen up a bit and my pace finally picked up. I seriously felt like Forest Gump when his braces fell off as he was running.

Yup that is exactly how I felt!!!

Then it was great. I tried to eat a GU but I don't think I can use them anymore. The texture just wasn't the same or settling for me. I had one taste and had to throw it out. I think I'm going to stick to Gatorade Chews, Chomps or Sports Beans, they go down a lot easier for me.

My best moment was at mile 9 going into mile 10, I had a pace of 9:53! 9:53!!!! I have never, ever had a mile pace like that. So even though I started out kind of slow, I finished strong. Feeling great after my run, I stretched and then watched the rest of the sunrise. There were so many people out running this morning, it was so motivating. We were all racing together.


For my refuel I went to Panera Bread and got the Egg White Power Bowl with Turkey off their Hidden Menu. Amazing!

It was so delicious and paired it with a coffee and relaxed.

Then did my weekly grocery shopping and stocked up on our veggies and fruits. Made it home and then cleaned and decorated our apartment for fall. Yes, its 90 degrees, but I can imagine. Burned my apple and pumpkin candles, decorated and took it all in.

Made myself a quick lunch and laid on the couch, stretching out my legs and actually pulled out my Nook and read! Yup, I actually was able to take time to read, downloaded Orange Is The New Black and got through 3 chapters. A nap was next and I turned off my phone and just slept. It was glorious.

Now I'm unwinding with my love and just enjoying our shows we DVR'd. I live a pretty simple life, may seem boring, but these are the days I live for.

Hope your day was just as glorious and you make your Saturday's just as special.


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