Weekly Weigh In: Back at Square One

Last Sunday I weighed in, which is two days earlier then what I normally do and was down .6. Hey, a half of a pound is better than nothing. This week, I knew I was going to be able to weigh in at my normal meeting schedule. I was sure I was going to have a gain or just a weird weigh in because I was weighing in at night and two days longer. When I got on the scale I had gained .6, what I had lost last week, but here is the kicker, I am okay with that because the week prior I had maintained, so I was right back where I started the month. I would rather maintain then gain anytime. Am I bummed out I am still stuck at this 1-2 roller coaster, yeah I really am, but I understand this is a journey and sometimes the best things in life take a little bit longer. My goal is to be around 145 by the Women's Half Marathon in November. I have exactly two months to get that accomplished. I am going to do it!!!! Each week is different, but one thing is the same, my drive, will and dedication to make this best life I could ever imagine.

Last Week
This week


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