90 Days

This little run streak of mine started off as I was going to do something for the month of May. I was going to run the whole month of May 2-3 miles a day. It was a way to keep me motivated during our second busiest time of the year. Then I got through the month of May and thought, huh, well I am going to just keep this going for a little bit and go until July 4th.

Then after July 4th, I figured well I am going to go to my Birthday...

And now I have hit 90 days!!!!

90 Days I have ran at least one mile a day!!
Even on the days I am extremely tired or broken a bit. Or the days when Aunt Flo was in town. I got out there and did my mile. Or the days when I just was not feeling it and the days when I just could not wait to get out and run.

I am not going to lie, it has been tough. It has been really hard at times. Some nights I am so tired out of work but I wanted to sleep in, so I have to suck it up and get it done.

Also the days off, I didn't turn on an alarm and had to get it done later in the day. The really, really hot days which are overpowering like no other now.

It has been tough. My body aches at times too but I want this and I want to get to 100 days. I will get to 100 days!

I have 9 more days to do it and then we will take it from there.

You would think that with all this running I would losing weight and I have to say I feel like some days I really am and other days not so much.

I have been hungry at times, really hungry and other days I am okay.

I still track my calories and yes I have my cheat meals, but it is about Balance.

The run streak has taught me never to give up at all. And I do not plan on doing that. It is not in my nature to give up at all.

I am in it to complete and get it done.

Right now this run streak is all about me and me getting it done and accomplishing something bigger than myself.


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