Trying Out The New Smoothie Maker: SUCCESS

Good Morning again!!!!

This time I am up for good, I cant believe I was wide awake at 5ish and couldn't go back to sleep for quite some time. And when I finally did, I was out and having some crazy dreams. But the good part was I actually slept in, I know my body and mind needed and wanted it. Even though i was off last week a couple of days, I was doing stuff, running and not sleeping in, so it was nice this morning to just shut off and go with it. Like I mentioned James and I are both off today and he woke up feeling much better, thankfully. And I think I might use today as a rest day! ( rest in the since from running and weights)  I haven't had a rest day in 35 days, so I think I just might enjoy today a bit. Feels weird but I think I need it.

I am originally from New York, where all my family still is and I have been getting lots of posts on Facebook of the snowstorm they just had. Roads are bad, schools are closed, and freezing cold. I DO NOT MISS IT AT ALL!!! I miss home don't get me wrong, but I do not miss the cold and especially not the snow. I feel bad for my family, especially my Poppy because I know the snow makes life a little harder for him, with his health and able to do things. I know when my dad was alive he would shovel and snow plow and do all those things for him. I know my Uncle takes care of it now, but its still that feeling.

Anyway down here in Florida we do not have snow, but we are having quite a cold front. It is a very chilly 45 degrees. It wouldn't be so bad but the wind makes all the difference and to be quite honest I am a baby when it comes to the cold weather now. I bundle up like a snow bunny and complain. But that is here nor there. So lets just say it is our snow day here in Florida. I slept in, still in my PJ's and its cold, BUT I will be able to go out and do stuff today and not worry about cleaning off my car. WIN!

In thoughts of warm, tropical climate I decided to use my Smoothie maker James got me for Christmas.

I threw in...

1 sliced in half Frozen Banana
1 cup of No Sugar Added Mango Chunks
1 cup of Fresh Cut Pineapple
1 cup of Diet V8 Splash, Tropical
1 scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup of Plain, Fat Free Greek Yogurt

Makes 2 servings.
3pp per serving!!! Or if you want the whole thing only 6pp

Enjoy with someone else or keep in the fridge for a snack later or for the next morning, can also refreeze!

My smoothie maker has an automatic smoothie button and it makes the perfect smoothie. I am officially hooked and in love with this machine.

Smoothie craziness coming your way!!


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