Friday Five: What I Love About This Weekend

Good Friday Morning!

It is a nice Friday morning over here, still hot, but this morning the humidity felt a little low. Maybe I am just going insane, but I could actually breathe this morning running.

Yesterday, I nominated the day to be a rest day for me. While I really wish it was an all out, true, lay around all day long rest day, it was just a rest day from running and working out. I had to work an open to close, which by the way, are not fun by any means, so I figured, I wouldn't put any more pressure on my legs.

I planned on running Thursday and Friday and then rest day Saturday, but you know you gotta role with the punches. I am glad I did, because at work, I am on my feet all day long, and my legs have taken quite a beating already this week.

Today, I have a travel day for work, which is quite nice, so I got up at 6 and got 5 miles in. It was nice to just run around my neighborhood for more than 3 miles and I saw a lot of other people out running too, which is quite rare.

I see a lot of people do Friday Fives and I thought I would give it a shot, the theme from what I understand is  Five Things I Love About this weekend. I work today and tomorrow, but still you can find happiness around that.

Oh and make sure you check out Nanci'sEat, Pray, Run, DC & Mar On The Run  Friday Five.

Okay so here it goes...

1. Catching Up On My DVR
Yes, I know TV, is a guilty pleasure of mine. But I am a religious followers of some shows, and I seriously can not find the time to just sit down and catch up on them. I am excited after work today, I have nothing going on, so before dinner, I can veg out for awhile and zone in.

2. Free Panties at V.S.
I have some free coupons to use at Victoria Secret's that I can use this weekend. I love anything and everything free and I plan on taking advantage of them today.

3. No Closing Shifts
After my 12 hour day yesterday, I am glad that I don't have to close today or tomorrow. I don't mind closing but sometimes man it weighs you down. I love that I can get out at 5 and have the whole night to myself.

4. Chipotle!!!!
James is picking up dinner tonight on his way home for work. We really only eat out once or twice a week. We have cut back a lot. But Friday's, I love to not have anything to cook and I woke up this morning really craving Chipotle. Luckily, he loves it too. Holy Yum, Burrito Bowl!! I will be thinking of this all day.

5. Sunday Runday Funday
I look forward to all my long runs, but I look forward to this one even more because I get to meet up with Nanci and her friend and we are doing 11 miles. I am grateful to have met Nanci and be able to train with her, even though our marathon's are a month apart. It is a beautiful change of pace, being able to talk, laugh and just run with other people, is so needed. And we are doing the bridges, which well I need to work on some hill work, so it is beyond a win win!!

Have a Happy Friday!!

What's the Five Things You are Most Excited for this Weekend??


  1. Great reasons to love the weekend! Also, Chipotle is the bomb. SO good. :)


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